const moment = require('moment')
const rerrors = require('request-promise/errors')
const { log, errors } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')
const classification = require('../classification.json')
// ====== Constants =======
const defaultMedataOperation = {
_id: '0',
_proba: 0,
_type: 'none'
const AbbrToAccountType = {
'account--card': 'CreditCard'
// ====== Public functions =======
* Convert string to {@link moment.Moment}
* @param {string} date
* @returns {moment.Moment}
function parseDate(date) {
return moment(date, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
* Convert an amount to float
* @param {string} amount
* @returns {Number}
function normalizeAmount(amount) {
return parseFloat(
.replaceAll(/\s/, '')
.replace(',', '.')
* Analyzes the CSS classes of the bank account to find its type
* @param {string} label The CSS classes of the bank account
* @see {@link|}
* @returns {string} The type of the bank account
function getAccountTypeFromCSS(cssClasses) {
let cssClass = cssClasses.split(' ')
if (cssClass.length === 1) return 'Checkings'
return AbbrToAccountType[cssClass[1]] || 'Unknown'
* Searches in the classification.json file, the metadata corresponding to words passed in parameters.
* This function ignores the metadata dedicated to debit operations.
* @param {array} words
* @returns {object}
function findMetadataForCreditOperation(words) {
return _classification(words, defaultMedataOperation, (tree, metadata) =>
_readSpecificMetaData(tree, '_credit', metadata)
* Searches in the classification.json file, the metadata corresponding to words passed in parameters.
* This function ignores the metadata dedicated to credit operations.
* @param {array} words
* @returns {object}
function findMetadataForDebitOperation(words) {
return _classification(words, defaultMedataOperation, (tree, metadata) =>
_readSpecificMetaData(tree, '_debit', metadata)
* @param err
* @returns {Promise.<*>}
function handleRequestErrors(err) {
if (
err instanceof rerrors.RequestError ||
err instanceof rerrors.StatusCodeError
) {
log('error', err)
throw new Error(errors.VENDOR_DOWN)
} else {
return Promise.reject(err)
// ====== Private functions =======
function _classification(words, metadata, fnReadMetadata) {
let treeActive = classification[words[0].toUpperCase()]
if (!treeActive) {
return metadata
let index = words[0] === 'CARTE' ? 2 : 1
fnReadMetadata(treeActive, metadata)
for (let word of words.slice(index)) {
let tree = treeActive[word.toUpperCase()]
if (!tree) {
return metadata
fnReadMetadata(tree, metadata)
treeActive = tree
function _readDefaultMetaData(treeMetadata, metadata) {
Object.keys(metadata).forEach(key => {
if (treeMetadata[key]) metadata[key] = treeMetadata[key]
function _readSpecificMetaData(treeMetadata, typeOperation, metadata) {
_readDefaultMetaData(treeMetadata, metadata)
if (treeMetadata[typeOperation]) {
_readDefaultMetaData(treeMetadata[typeOperation], metadata)
return metadata
// ====== Export =======
module.exports = {